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Hanging out in Hume

We left behind the memories of Mike’s “Glory Days” (cue Springsteen song) and passed by the largest roll of Lifesavers.  Then parked on a street corner to observe an awesome monument to the armed services.  It seemed appropriate on the 4th of July.   We rolled on down the backroads towards the small town of Hume, New York.  We made a stop at an Amish roadside stand  and scored some fantastic pickles and fresh eggs   When we arrived in Hume, we settled in to a sweet, backyard parking space  and visited with family members a bit.  It just happens that the guy we came to visit has some really, really awesome sons.  Just do a search for The Barry Brothers Band ( )and you will find some great musicians.  But this family is also battling cancer from two angles (dad and granddaughter).  So take a look at this great video  for a glimpse of their efforts!

The next day we cruised in to Buffalo for a hospital visit  and of course, some genuine Buffalo wings from Gabriel’s Gate 

Hume, New York is also near “The Grand Canyon of the East”  Letchworth State Park is the home of the Genesee River  and features several beautiful waterfalls.  and much great greenery and scenery 

We enjoyed our typical camp breakfast while sitting near the largest, upper falls at Letchworth State Park  and then returned to our spot in the backyard in Hume.   The time here has given us a chance to do some laundry, buy some groceries, sleep in  , ride bikes to town for lunch and attend a small, local car show.

We are hanging around here for a few reasons:

1. These are great folks to hang out with.

2. Mike is enjoying spending some time with his old friend.

3. We are going to see the Rolling Stones on Saturday in Buffalo!

Yep, you read that last one correctly….. we are going to a  Rolling Stones concert…….SOOOO EXCITED!!!   

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