Puerto Penasco bulk foods store-WOW!

In Rocky Point (aka Puerto Penasco, Sonora, Mexico) there is a bulk foods store. When the store is open the roll-up doors expose rows and rows of bright blue, metal bins. The store sells natural products such as whole leaf teas and herbs. bin cinnamon sticks bin.JPG bin tea for cough bin.JPG They also sell dried beans, peas and lentils. beans and lentils bin.JPGOn top of the bins are vanilla extract and other flavorings for baking as well as sauces, honey, seasonings and cooking products. A few bins contain consommé or soup bases in bright colors. bin powdered soup bin.JPG

Some of the bins are rolled outside to be on display on the sidewalk in front of the store. These bins contain spices, teas and powdered dyes for baking. bin dyes spices and teas bin.JPGMost of the bins are inside the cool, tiled store, organized in long rows. bins in a row.JPG

Shoppers can also purchase dry dog food and puppy chow from a bulk bin (binpuppy chow bin .JPG as well as cat food and various types of birdseed. And for the vendors who sell mango on a stick and corn on a stick, they can purchase the sticks! bin corn and mango sticks.JPG Huge bins offer dried chili bin dried chili bin.JPG, which can be slow-cooked into delicious meat dishes!

The bins give off amazing smells; the colors are brilliant and the sounds of a busy street whiz by outside. This store is a treat for the senses.

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